To heal and to find our purpose are two threads of the same process. The 13 Moons of Wisdom is a guided journey in that direction, towards your unique destiny on this planet. It evolved as the result of my deep exploration of the Hero’s Journey and the four wisdoms of the Andean Medicine Wheel discussed in my book, Awakening Your Inner Shaman.
All people are on the journey toward wholeness and awakening of the essential Self, though most people are unconscious of the process. If we do not want to spend years or our entire lives going somewhere, but getting nowhere—like a hamster on a wheel—then it is crucial that we understand the archetypal steps that will get us there.
If we pay attention to the signs that invite us to embark on our quest, we have the opportunity to quantum leap into the next level of self-realization, or even many levels up, all at once—a thrilling journey towards the Heart of all existence…
In this course, you will learn to dance within the four wisdoms of the Medicine Wheel while consciously exploring the footsteps of the Hero’s Journey. These two maps invite us to say yes to our sacred purpose… to say yes to the death of our obsolete selves—our ego identities—and to say yes to the birth of our sacred becoming.
With you on the journey,