I grew up in a war-torn country and spent my twenties as a lost hippie in California. Decades later, I was initiated by the shamans of the Andes and became a teacher and a medicine woman. My personal story and the wisdom I gained through my own transformation offers a flesh-and-bones context for each step of the archetypal journey to Self.
The 13 Moons of Wisdom unveils both the map of the Hero’s Journey and the sacred Medicine Wheel, weaving them together to guide you toward your true purpose. Just as the moon moves through its phases, each step in this journey is unique yet deeply interconnected. You will move through each phase, revisiting, learning, and uncovering deeper layers of truth within yourself. This journey is not a straight path but a cyclical one, repeating itself as you spiral closer to your authentic self. With every cycle, you gain new insights and clarity, empowering you to live your purpose in harmony with your true nature.
Many people are crossing the veils from ordinary to extraordinary, and I invite you to a new level of openness to perceive the world as mystical, beyond appearances.
Through this class, I share a compass to live a remarkable life—not because of material or outer success, but to cultivate presence and courage in the face of personal challenges and societal unrest.
The times we are living in require that we awaken to our fullest potential. It’s up to you to answer the call to walk the hero’s journey with grace, and discover your limitless potential on the other side.
Join my free masterclass and allow me to guide you towards finding your own inner power, wisdom, and purpose.
With you on the journey,